SOTO Group of Alcoholics Anonymous
Corvallis, Oregon
Welcome to the SOTO Group - Come join us!
Our Meeting
Sunday at 9:00 AM
Opens 15-20 minutes before 9:00
Please be on time to avoid disruptions...thank you!
This is an open meeting available to anyone interested in the Alcoholics Anonymous program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
Group Service
Service work is an important part of membership in Alcoholics Anonymous.
"In A.A., everything starts with the group — it is the place where recovery begins for most alcoholics and is the basic building block of the entire Fellowship. But, for a group to keep going, all kinds of service must be done."
Please see the Group Service page for more information and to
find out how you can get involved!
7th Tradition
We are self-supporting through our own contributions, which are lovingly accepted here.